Guided Sea Glass Tours

We offer private, guided tour packages for sea glass hunts in prime locations and add-ons for individuals and groups in either St. Kitts or Nevis or both. We will take you to locations where we regularly find beautifully smooth and frosted sea glass of various shapes, sizes and colors. We cannot guarantee what you will find on any particular day, but we regularly find rare colors, marbles, sea coins, pirate glass, pottery shards, conch shells, sea urchin shells, and more. If you follow us on social media, then you will see examples. The picture above shows finds from a single trip to one of our prime locations during favorable tide conditions--and this only what was on the shore. Much more is waiting in the surf for those who care to don a mask and snorkel.
To explore our different tour packages and add-ons or to submit a booking request please visit our booking page HERE.